California Arts Council’s Individual Artist Fellowships – Los Angeles County
In partnership with California Arts Council (CAC), Los Angeles Performance Practice is thrilled to serve as the Administering Organization for the Individual Artist Fellowships in Los Angeles County.
Applications are closed as of June 2nd, 2023, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
The Fellowships were funded with a one time grant for 2023-2024. The program has not been renewed and will not be continuing for 2024-2025.
Legacy Artists
Kamau Daáood
Hirokazu Kosaka
Nobuko Miyamoto
Norma Montoya
Established Artists
Tanya Aguiñiga
Chisaraokwu Asomugha, MD
A. Laura Brody
Bernard Brown
Shonda Buchanan
Raul Cardona
Jay Carlon
Daniel Eduvijes Carrera
Reena Dutt
Mary Ehrin
liz gonzález
Andrew Huang
DaEun Jung
Miranda Kahn
Ana Carla Laidley
Francisco Letelier
Jonas Oppenheim
Nicole Rademacher
Adee Roberson
Jeniffer Sanchez
Laurie Steelink
Yozmit The DogStar
Tom Tsai
Alejandra Vasquez
Briseyda Zárate
Jody Zellen
Emerging Artists
Leo Alas
Janeth Aparicio Vazquez
Nilgoon Askari
C. Bain
Cindy Bonaparte
Mary Bronaugh
Bryan Byrdlong
Dr. Cecilia Caballero
San Cha
Rohan Chander
Jen Cheng
Emilio Contreras
Stephanie Deumer
Alexandria Douziech
Jennaya Dunlap
Ai Ebashi
Honey Blu
Dawn Ertl
Sara Ellen Fowler
Sarahjeen François
Fernando Isaí
Audrey Harris Fernández
Emeer Hassanpour
Rashaida Hill
Prima Jalichandra-Sakuntabhai
Ray Jones (Serendipity)
Dyan Jong
Anne Kim
Ray Larkin
Dwayne LeBlanc
Nami Lee
Joyce Lu
Emily Marchand
Kirby Marshall-Collins
Julia Mata
Randi Matushevitz
Carol Anne McChrystal
Kate McMillan
Ryan Mekenian
Connie Mendoza
Christian Miranda
Marcela Montalvan
Chinaedu Nwadibia
Nicole Otero
Vasilios Papapitsios
Jennie E. Park
Janel Pineda
Nadene Pita
Ruthie Prillaman
Renée Reizman
Laurie Shapiro
Pablo “Fer” Simental
Dillon Sung
Cayetano Talavera
Kayla Tange
Cara Taylor
Jacqueline Valenzuela
Brittany Wang
Dare Williams
Isaac Michael Ybarra
Review Panelists
Applications were reviewed by a panel of artists, arts leaders, culture bearers and community members with arts and culture knowledge made up of a combination of local Los Angeles County residents and nationwide cultural workers. We thank all of the panelists for their service to the field!
Please note: If panelists submitted an application to the program, they did not adjudicate the tier in which they submitted to prevent any conflict of interest.
Adrian Centeno
Alma Catalan
Amelia Charter
André Chung
Andrew Ahn
Argel Rojo
Asuka Hisa
Benina Stern
Benita Elliott
Brianna Saranchock
Bryan Barcena
Cecilia Sweet-Coll
Claudia Rivera-Vazquez
Congyu Liu
Daphnie Sicre
Deanna Esposito
Edgar Garcia
Emily Wanserski
Evelina Fernandez
Gabe Enamorado
Ingrid Paulina Rodas
J. Andrea Amezcua Porras
Jade Cagalawan
Jaquita Ta’le
Jessica Emmanuel
Juan Silverio
Katherine Helen Fisher
Katrina Frye
Keith Glassman
Kelly Caballero
Lily Comeau
Marcela Montalvan
Marcus Eley
Moi Santos
Netta Yerushalmy
Rachel Park
Raissa Reis
Raul Cardona
Reginald Edmund
Sarah Rafael Garcia
Sebastian Hernandez
Sharon Chohi Kim
Sidra Greene
Susan Suntree
Tiffany Slagle
Tom Tsai
Tomas Benitez
Vanessa Cruz Hernandez
Vanessa Wheeler
Wesleigh Gates
Yeu Q Nguyen
The Individual Artist Fellowships program recognizes, uplifts, and celebrates the excellence of California artists practicing any art form.
Excellence, for purposes of this program, is defined as an artist’s
- Unique artistic vision
- Ongoing commitment to creative practice
- Engagement with and impact on the larger cultural ecosystem
This program will support artists and cultural bearers at key moments in their careers, elevating their capacity for continued contribution to the field and our state. Fellowship awards support individual artistic practice through unrestricted funding. This program is intended to support a broad spectrum of artists working in all disciplines, from diverse geographies and communities of all sizes across the state of California.
The Individual Artist Fellowships program is a statewide initiative.
If you do not reside in Los Angeles County, but are a resident of California, you’ll find additional application information here:
- For Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Imperial Counties, please visit Arts Orange County.
- For the Central Region including Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus, Tulare, and Ventura, please visit SVCreates.
- For all other California counties, please visit the California Arts Council website.
The fellowship awards will provide unrestricted funding in support of the fellows’ artistic practice. The following three tiers of funding will be available:
Emerging Artist Fellows – $5,000
Emerging artists are those in the beginning stages of making their work public and engaging the larger community in their practice. Individuals at this career stage may have had a few public showings of their work, but do not yet have ongoing resources or support.
Established Artist Fellows – $10,000
Artists in the Established tier regularly make their work public and engage the larger community in their practice. Individuals in this tier can give multiple examples of artistic and/or cultural works that have made significant social impact.
Legacy Artist Fellows – $50,000
Artists in the Legacy tier can point to a significant body of work, produced over a substantial period of time, that has engaged their communities and that has made significant social impact. Artists in this tier may be able to point to Emerging and Established Artists that they have mentored or otherwise positively influenced.
- Must be 18 years of age or older at the time of submission
- Reside in Los Angeles County.
- Recipients of the 2021 CAC Individual Artist Fellowships are not eligible to apply.
Los Angeles Performance Practice wants to thank the over 20 community partners who provided input and insight to the creation of the guidelines and process.
Applications will be reviewed by a panel of artists, arts leaders, and culture bearers and community members with arts and culture knowledge made up of a combination of local Los Angeles County residents and nationwide cultural workers. If you are interested in serving as a panelist, click or tap the button below to complete a Panel Interest Form.
Review Panel Criteria
- Creative Vision – Artist effectively communicates their personal story, artistic medium or practice, and long-term aspirations for their work.
- Aesthetic Excellence – Artistic work and/or examples of cultural practice demonstrate strong alignment with the components of the Attributes of Excellence in Arts for Change, including commitment, communal meaning, disruption, cultural integrity, risk taking, sensory experience, emotional experience, openness, coherence, resourcefulness, and stickiness.
- Community Engagement and Social Impact – Artist effectively communicates their engagement with their community(ies) and the positive social impact their work has had locally, regionally, and/or statewide, addressing themes including but not limited to race, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.
Our team will be hosting in-person and virtual information sessions in April to review the guidelines and criteria for the program.
We are excited to offer both in-person and virtual information sessions to assist applicants across the county. All times Pacific. Click or tap on dates + times to register for virtual sessions, see below for the locations of in-person sessions.
- Application Opens: April 17, 2023
- Deadline for Application: June 2, 2023 at 11:59pm PST
- Panel Review: June-July 2023
- Notification: *Updated* Mid-August 2023
- Fellowship Period: 12 months, *Updated* September 2023-August 2024
If you have any questions please reach out to us at Fellowships@PerformancePractice.org.

This activity is funded by the California Arts Council, a state agency.